Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday--Jacob Hiser and Catherine Eisenhauer

Catherine Eisenhauer Hiser was the daughter of Peter Eisenhauer or Peter Eisenhour and Anna Margaret Early or Anna Margaret O'Early. She was born in Pennsylvania on February 15, 1808 and died on February 22, 1872 in Sandusky County, Ohio at the age of 64 years and 7 days.
The Hiser's are buried in Woodville Cemetery, Sandusky County, Ohio.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Geocities to Yahoo Migration--Take Two

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Treasure Chest Thursday--A Clown
I featured Leta and her husband Ray Tate on Tombstone Tuesday this week and more of her story is there.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday--Ray and Leta Burkett Tate

Monday, September 21, 2009
Website Migration--OMG

I have had a genealogy website on geocities for probably over a decade and geocities is going the way of the dinosaur. Even though geocities has been under the operating arm of yahoo for several years now, setting up a new site is like venturing into unknown territory. The file manager seems the same.....but isn't. Putting in the links is different. This old dog just isn't learning these new tricks.
I have now spent my morning putzing around my new website, with little accomplished. Disappointed.....her name is LINDA.
Graveyard Rabbits--Funeral Cards

This funeral card (actually made of paper) is from the service of my maternal grandfather, Charles Edward Stark. As the oldest grandchild, I made up the cutesy familiar names for all the grandparents—Grams, Pop Pop and Teek. Grandfather Stark did not have one—he died before I was born. I know of him through the stories and memories of his daughter, my mother.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
SNGF--Ahnentafel Roulette
I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. All comments are welcome; however, if they are inappropriate, they will not be published. PLEASE post your e-mail in the comment section if you would like to network about a particular surname or topic. I will capture it for my use only and not include it when I publish your comment.
© 2009, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Treasure Chest Thursday--Frederick Sterling Silver Opera Purse

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday--Eglise Saint Alphonse Church Cemetery, Nova Scotia

Once again Flipside is privileged to present some cemetery photos taken by Paul E. Sanderson. In August Paul took a motor trip to Nova Scotia. Of the numerous small towns and fishing villages he passed through, Saint Alphonse and the Eglise Saint Alphonse Church caught his attention. Located on the Arcadian west coast, north of Yarmouth, the parish of St. Alphonse was established in 1922 when the present church was built.

Paul was particularly taken with the “simplicity of the construction of the church and work of the local craftsmen who built the wooden altar and grotto”. The grotto, located inside the church, is a replica of the Notre Dame de Lourdes grotto. Beautiful intricate murals depicting scenes from the New Testament which were painted by a local artist, Pius LeBlanc, adorn the walls. Paul was not able to get inside the church to photograph the grotto or the murals, so I have, quite shamelessly, borrowed them from a website ;-) The photos are small, however they do give an idea of the workmanship and detail in the grotto, murals and altar.

Paul has captured the diversity of tombstones found in the church’s cemetery…from the simple wooden crosses to the more modern photo like engravings.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun --Trading Card

Carnival of Genealogy 80th Edition--Family Fun

My family had the good fortune to live fairly close to one of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania amusement parks—West View Park. During the 1950’s, when I was an elementary school student, our annual school picnic was held at West View Park located in West View, Pennsylvania. How we looked forward to that special day spent at the park—riding the various rides, spending money in the penny arcade, eating hot dogs and cotton candy and wandering aimlessly around the midway with school friends. West View Park is no longer there. The grounds have been turned into a shopping center. Long gone is the park however, my memories of the Dips (that famous wooden roller coaster), the Racing Whippet, Kiddieland and the beautiful carousel are etched in my mind.
I digress....this blog is not about me, but my paternal grandparents, George Henry Hughes and Sarah Margaret VanGilder Hughes. They also lived near West View Park in Avalon, and then Bellevue, Pennsylvania. The amusement park was built in 1906. No one in the family knows if George and Sarah spent a Saturday afternoon strolling about West View Park. During the 1930’s and 1940’s there was a building in West View Park called the Dancing Pavilion. During the Great Depression and following, dancing was held everynight except Sunday. Charles J. Jacques, Jr., in his book, “Goodbye West View Park Goodbye,” explains that, “Dancing helped keep West View Park afloat during the Great Depression” and “West View Park started importing big name bands like Ted Fiorite, Tommy Tucker, Ace Brigode, Don Bestor and others.”
My grandparents were dancers. According to my Aunt Faith, her folks (my Grams and Pop Pop) would go to Danceland, almost weekly. Often there were dance contests and Grams and Pop Pop would win a prize and occasionally it was first prize!
Dance must have been genetic as both my father and his sister, Faith loved to dance. Faith was given a full tuition scholarship to what was then called Carnegie Tech after her dance audition. She continued to teach dancing well into her 70’s. My brothers and I enjoy dancing although I’m certainly not in the prize category ;- )
Charles J. Jacques, Jr., “Goodbye West View Park Goodbye,” Amusement Park Journal, Jefferson, Ohio, 1985.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Treasure Chest Thursday--Ceramics by Grams

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday--Grover Cleveland and Mildred Tate Smith

Monday, September 7, 2009

Physician, Internal Medicine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
George Henry Hughes—Paternal Grandfather
Draftsman, American Bridge Company
Ambridge, Pennsylvania
Charles Edward Stark—Maternal Grandfather
Accountant, Traffic Department, United States Steel Company
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
John George Hughes—Paternal Great Grandfather
Foreman and millwright, J & L Steel Company
Woodlawn (now Aliquippa), Pennsylvania
George Ethelbert VanGilder—Paternal Great Grandfather
Elected Official, Assessor
Morgantown, West Virginia
Jessica Pool VanGilder—Paternal Great Grandmother
Cook and Boardinghouse Proprietress
Morgantown, West Virginia and greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area
Alfred Frederick—Maternal Great Grandfather
Brakeman and Conductor, B& O Train
Columbiana, Ohio and various towns in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area
Charles Stark—Maternal Great Grandfather
Shoe Salesman
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
George Henry Hughes—Paternal Great Great Grandfather
Puddler, Iron Works and Green Grocer
West Hartlepool, England
Mary Ann Storey Hughes—Paternal Great Great Grandmother
Baker and Green Grocer
West Hartlepool, England
Christian Invart Olesen—Paternal Great Great Grandfather
Ship’s chandler and seaman
West Hartlepool, England
John Oliphant VanGilder—Paternal Great Great Grandfather
Chair maker and Farmer
Morgantown, West Virginia
Sampson Frum Pool—Paternal Great Great Grandfather
Morgantown, West Virginia
Joseph C. Frederick—Maternal Great Great Grandfather
Franklin Square, Columbiana County, Ohio
William Morlan Orr—Maternal Great Great Grandfather
Elkrun Township, Columbiana County, Ohio
Now, in celebration of Labor Day….I’m off to work!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Smile for the Camera, 17th Edition "School Days"

The word prompt for the 17th Edition of Smile For The Camera is "School Days." It is September, historically the month when a new school year begins. We all have images of the days spent in school. The barefoot children gathered together with their teacher in front of the rural school your ancestors attended. Children at their desks, children at play in the school yard, and those obligatory school photographs - one for every year. Show us your family memories of school days. Thank you to Shades of the Departed for hosting.

My parents and Joe Arthur attended Avalon public schools from grade school through high school. My Mom decided on Wooster College in Wooster, Ohio for further education and Dad and Joe attended Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania. Following their college years, both attended the University of Pittsburgh Medical School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and after graduation served their internship at McKeesport Hospital. Dad and Joe did go into separate medical fields; Dad specialized in Internal Medicine and Joe in Urology.

A first home for both the Hughes and Arthur families was on Washington Drive near Perrysville, Pennsylvania. We lived two doors away. We spent a lot of time together and for years, took our family vacation in Stone Harbor, New Jersey usually sharing a duplex. The next generation (that would be mine) developed a close friendship.
Around 1960 we both moved from Washington Drive to other parts of the greater Pittsburgh area. We kids drifted apart, going to different schools, but the fond memories remain. The adults remained in close contact until my parents divorce. I guess the bond between my Mother and the Arthur’s was the strongest as she remained in contact with them until their deaths. In fact, my Mom and I visited Peg Arthur in Pittsburgh several weeks before she died.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
YAHOO--5,000th visitor to Flipside
American Liver Foundation--Cleveland Walks 2009
Last Sunday, August 30, 2009, my son, Aric, his fiancée, Jeannine, Ted and I, plus our in absentia friend Paul, walked in the American Liver Foundation walk at the Cleveland Metropark Zoo under the name of "Liver Rejects." The day began dark and drizzly, but as the walk began, the sun pushed those nasty clouds away and we had a wonderful morning for the fund and fun raising effort.
The team who coordinated the Cleveland walk did an outstanding job...great music, food, raffle and fun.
Join the "Liver Rejects" on our walk for Aric and others waiting for their liver transplant. It was all happenin' at the zoo!

Support for the liver walk by The Brewery!
Ready to walkIn front of the pavillion --Aric and J-9
With ALF (American Liver Foundation) mascot
The walk begins

Pointing the way

Walkin' Happy
With Mom

With Dad

Looking at the raffle tickets

The winners of two tickets to Blossom
Photography by Flipside and Jeannine