Cabinet Card In my possession |
Reverse side of the cabinet card. Unfortunately most of the black backing has fallen off. It was clearly marked Great Grandfather VanGilder |
Amy Johnson Crow has a 52 Ancestors Week blog challenge which I have decided to give a try for the second year. The prompt for week # 6 (February 5-11) is Surprise.
When I was linking VanGilder siblings to their parents, I was surprised to find I had never done a biographical blog on their father and my paternal great great grandfather, John Oliphant VanGilder. Today I am correcting that sixteen year oversight.
John was born on February 22, 1829 on Monongalia County, (West) Virginia to Jacob VanGilder, Jr and Sarah McElroy VanGilder. He joined a three year old sister, Eliza J. VanGilder.
When the extended VanGilder Family removed to Monongalia County in the early 1800's the current day county lines were not drawn. I was not certain where Jacob and Sarah lived and raised their growing family. Just today, as I was looking for any additional information about any of the family I saw on Find A Grave an obituary John's older sister, for Eliza J VanGilder Jenkins. A newly added obituary mentions that Jacob and Sarah moved to Grafton, Taylor County, (West) Virginia in 1858 and the VanGilder house is the one where Eliza and her husband, Frank Jenkins lived.
The majority of the VanGilder's lived in present day Marion County in the early 1800's and my belief is that Jacob and Sarah also lived there until Jacob's untimely death at age forty-two in 1840. I question the 1858 year of Jacob, Sarah and family moving to Grafton. Jacob died circa 1840. Perhaps it was only Sarah with her three daughters. My great great grandfather was employed and living in Morgantown by 1850.
1850 (West) Virginia Census Monongalia County The Eastern District Number 36 August 23, 1850
Twenty-one year old John O. VanGilder was enumerated with the family of Edward Hatfield on the 1850 census report. He is listed as a chair maker as is Edward Hatfield. The home is in the Eastern District of Monongalia County.
John's obituary gave me a little insight into his early years. He learned the trade of wheel-wright when a boy. His father died when John was age eleven and perhaps he was apprenticed following his father's death and was able to help finance the family. The 1850 census follows the obituary in that John then became a chair maker and perhaps he was employed with the Hennen Furniture Factory when he was enumerated. The obituary lists a twenty year employment.
American Union Morgantown, (West) Virginia March 24, 1863 page 3
.jpg) |
American Union Morgantown, (West) Virginia October 1, 1863 page 3 |
American Union Morgantown, (West) Virginia Saturday, May 6 & 13, 1854
During the 1850's John continued to be employed as a chairmaker in Morgantown. Where they lived is unknown--whether in a house in Morgantown or perhaps in Mary's childhood home on the Joseph Davidson Hill farm. The house was on Stewart Street located on a hill winding up from West Virginia University. On November 11, 1854 John and Mary welcomed their firstborn, a daughter, Anna Bell VanGilder. Three years later a son, Jacob Young VanGilder was born on July 12, 1857. Winding out the 1850's decade of births, a second son, Joseph Hill VanGilder was born on November 23, 1858. All were born in Monongalia County.
It appears, from this advertisement in the Morgantown Weekly Post, that John now has his own shop to hand make wooden chairs. He also does odd jobs: house painting, and hauling wood, coal and goods for his customers. On August 23, 1859, Mary's father, Joseph Davidson Hill, died. John O. VanGilder as one of the executors of the will. One third of the estate went to Mary's mother, the remainder was divided among the seven Hill children. Whether Mary received a dollar amount or land or both is unknown. The land will come into question in 1865. Mary is part of the transaction which is unusual in the 1860's for a married woman to be part of a land deal unless the land was partially hers.

1860 (West) Virginia Federal Census
Monongalia County, District 2&3
Morgantown Post Office
September 8, 1860
John Vangilder, age 31, male, chairmaker, value of real estate $1,800, value of personal estate $1,000, born in Virginia.
Mary " , age 26, female, born in Virginia.
Anna B. " , age 5, female, born in Virginia.
Jacob " , age 3, born in Virginia.
Joseph " , age 1, born in Virginia.
Matilda Calwell, age 30, domestic, born in Pennsylvania
Thomas Mosier, age 21, day laborer, born in Virginia.
It is unknown whether the VanGilder's are living in Morgantown or are on the Hill Family land on a hill above the university. From the 1859 advertisement, it appears that John has his own business in town and the family could be living in an apartment above the chair shop.
Additional questions, are the domestic and day laborer working for the VanGilder's or boarders?
John is doing well financially and perhaps the portion of Joseph Davidson Hill's estate given to Mary VanGilder is already part of the financial report.
An important date on my family tree, January 27, 1861, the day my paternal great grandfather, George Ethelbert VanGilder, was born in Monongalia County, (West Virginia).
As (West) Virginia entered the Civil War, John O. VanGilder was called to service. The West Virginia Archives online has been a wealth of knowledge to me regarding my paternal great great grandfather's service.
On December 7, 1861, John O. VanGilder was unanimously elected Captain of Company 4 of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia.

Two Captain John O. VanGilder hand written letters dated September 22, 1862, The first announcing the election of James A. Davis as First Lieutenant of the 76th Regiment, Virginia Militia and the second letter announcing the election of James N. Davis as Second Lieutenant of the 76th Regiment, Virginia Militia. While serving, John and Mary added a second daughter to the VanGilder family. Sally Ellsworth VanGilder was born on March 11, 1863 in Monongalia County, West Virginia.
United States Civil War Draft Registration Records West Virginia, Second Congressional District |
This document is dated October, 1863 and John O. VanGilder a chairmaker, age 34, married and born in Virginia is eligible for military service. Oddly, former military service is blank and yet there are numerous documents that John was already a Captain in the militia.
Muster Roll of Company C, 14th Regiment of the West Virginia Militia from August 4, 1864 to October 7, 1864 signed by Captain John O. VanGilder. |
Section of the Muster Roll |
John O. VanGilder, Captain, amount due $40.00, area too light to read has to do with the time served which is listed above, one ration drawn each day, period paid for 1 month 20 days, pay per month $60.00, actual pay $40.00, retained pay, was paid 40 cents per day for use of a horse, balance paid $40.00. Signed John O. VanGilder.
Atlas of Marion and Monongalia Counties West Virginia 1888 |
Following his service in the Civil War, John was back to his farm located on a hill north of the West Virginia University campus off Stewart Street. The family welcomed a fourth son, Robert Ross VanGilder on March 19, 1865.
It is interesting to me why parents gave certain names to their children. Regarding the middle names in this family There are the obvious and the questions. Oliphant, Ethelbert and Ellsworth are mysteries. Young, Hill and Ross are not. As to the Ross middle name. Mary's paternal aunt and my paternal great great great aunt married into the Ross family, Warwick Ross and Sarah Johnston Hill.

Prior to May 8, 1865, John O VanGilder, owner of ninety-six acres of land near Morgantown executed a trust-deed conveying said land to John H. Hoffman as trustee to secure payment owed to Joseph Grubb for one thousand dollars with interest. Hoffman declined the offer at first then offered a second option. John VanGilder was to give the land to Hoffman, who would pay the debt owed to Grubb. Hoffman would collect 6 percent on the amount owed and also keep ten acres as a bonus. John and Mary VanGilder agreed to this, conveyed the land to Hoffman on June 10, 1865 and Hoffman paid the debt to to Grubb amounting to one thousand one hundred twenty-four dollars and sixty-seven cents $1,124.67) on June 15, 1865.
There is no mention what my great great grandfather purchased from Joseph Grubb. There are two Joseph Grubb's in the Morgantown area in 1860-1870, both are farmers with substantial land and resources. My guess is that the purchase was land, perhaps the ninety-six acres that was put in the trust-deed.
The mistake made by John VanGilder was that he did not get a written statement, it was all done by a handshake. This was certainly not unusual at this time; however, it left my great great grandfather open to usury by John Hoffman, and that is exactly what happened. Stay tuned.
On November 19, 1866, a daughter, Mary Francis "Fanny" VanGilder was born in Monongalia County, West Virginia.
Two years later on July 26, 1868, another daughter, Betty Levada VanGilder was born.
Back to the issue of debt on the land. On January 4, 1869, Hoffman conveyed to VanGilder seventy-one acres retaining twenty-five instead of the ten acres originally agreed upon. Hoffman told John that if he paid an additional four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.00) he would convey the additional fifteen acres to Mary VanGilder. On February 8, 1870, the VanGilder's paid two hundred eighty-three dollars and 33 cents ($283.33) and the balance due ($166.66) in four years with interest).
Lycurgus S. Hough became the trustee of this new indebtedness. The VanGilder's were to pay $1,166.08 and $166.66 in four years.
1870 West Virginia Census Morgan Township, Monongalia County, West Virginia June 25, 1870 |
Vangilder, John O, age 41, male, white, farmer, value of real estate $4,500, born in West Virginia, male citizen of US age 21 or more.
Vangilder, Mary, age 38, female, white, keeping house, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, Anna B., age 15, female, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, Jacob, age 12, male, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, Joseph, age 10, male, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, George, age 8, male, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, Sallie, age 7, female, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, Robert, age 5, male, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
Vangilder, Fannie, age 2, female, white, at home, born in West Virginia.
1870 West Virginia Census Morgan Township, Monongalia County, West Virginia June 25, 1870
Vangilder, Bettie, age 1, female, white, born in West Virginia
Back to Court
On February 20, 1874, the indebtedness issue went to court after Hoffman and Hough advertised to sell John's land because they said $1,025 was till owed on the debt. John had been paying on the debt over the four years.
In March 1877, a jury rendered a verdict that Hoffman's loan was usurious. Hoffman moved to set aside the verdict and on September 15, 1879 a final decree was entered. John O. VanGilder debt owed was only the $160.33. Which had already been paid. Costs were decreed to John. This case was still not over as Hoffman appealed the decrees of September 23, 1875, September term 1878 and September 15, 1879.
Life on the VanGilder farm did not stand still during this decade. Two additional daughters were born. Lida Edna VanGilder was born on April 26, 1873 and Lena Gertrude on October 8, 1875 both on Monongalia County, West Virginia.
1880 West Virginia Census Morgan District, Monongalia County June 3, 1880 |
Vangilder, John, white, age 52, married, farmer, born in Virginia
Vangilder, Mary, white, female, age 48, wife, married, housekeeper, born in Virginia
Vangilder, Anna, white, female, age 25, daughter, single, at home, born in Virginia
Vangilder, Jacob, white, male, age 22, son, at home, single, born in Virginia
Vangilder, Joseph, white, male, age 21, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in Virginia
Vangilder, George, white, male, age 19, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in Virginia
Vangilder, Sally, white, female, age 16, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Vangilder, Robert, white, male, age 14, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Vangilder, Fanny, white, female, age 13, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Vangilder, Bettie, white, female, age 11, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Vangilder, Emma, white, female, age 9, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Vangilder, Lida, white, female, age 6, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Vangilder, Lena, white, female, age 3, single, at home, attended school within the census year, born in West Virginia
Unfortunately, there is no indication on the 1880 census as to the financial resources of those enumerated. With John continuing to fight in court with John Hoffman regarding payment on a loan against a piece of his property, I would have liked to see his real estate and personal estate.
John's mother, Sarah McElroy VanGilder, died on February 8, 1881 in Grafton, Taylor County, West Virginia at age eighty-three.
Samuel T. Wiley, History of Monongalia County, West Virginia page 657 |
Education was an important family value in the VanGilder home. I have seen four of the children attended West Virginia University, one, Lida, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree. John Oliphant VanGilder was elected to the the resident of the School Board and served in 1883. His son, any my paternal great grandfather, George Ethelbert VanGilder, was elected Secretary of the School Board also in 1883.
Finally a verdict and the end to the financial usury issue
While serving as president, the end finally came to the eighteen year financial issue involving John VanGilder and John Hoffman. On June 30, 1883 the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia declared that Hoffman's loan was usury. Hoffman knew the land was worth more than the original loan and intended to sell it for much more. My husband, an attorney, read the case and said, "It has the smell of usury on the part of Hoffman, all the way".
I wanted to add this description of my great great grandfather that was entered into the court document disparaging his character by Hoffman and the men he called before the court. Of course Hoffman was painted as a man of high regard.
This same year and a two months after the court's decision, the VanGilder's oldest child, Anna Bell VanGilder, died on August 4, 1883 at age twenty-eight in Monongalia County, West Virginia of heart disease. I believe that Anna Bell is buried in the area or beside her brother Robert Ross VanGilder at Mount Union Cemetery. It appears that her information is also on the tombstone with her brother.
Robert Ross VanGilder, the VanGilder's sixth oldest child died September 26, 1890 at age twenty-five from a fever. He is buried at Mount Union Cemetery.
During the 1890 decade the VanGilder family celebrated numerous marriages and births of grandchildren. Among them was the marriage of my paternal great grandparents, George Ethelbert VanGilder and Jessica Pool on October 28, 1891 and the birth of my paternal grandmother, Sarah Margaret VanGilder on March 2, 1898.
1900 West Virginia Census That Part of Morgan District North of Decker's Creek Monongalia County June 11, 1900
NOTE: Census enumerator is my paternal great grandfather and John and Mary VanGilder's son, George Ethelbert VanGilder.
VanGilder, John, head, white, male, born Feb 1830, age 70, married 52 years, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, farmer, works all year, can read, write and speak English, owns his farm free of mortgage
VanGilder, Mary, wife, white, female, born Nov 1832, age 67, married 52 years, mother of 6 children, 6 children living, born in West Virginia, father born in West Virginia, mother born in Delaware, can read, write and speak English, no occupation. (Misunderstood the children question. The VanGilder's had eleven children and two were deceased by 1900. The children counted living in the home at the time of the enumeration was 6. Strange that this was not answered correctly since the enumerator was one of their adult children).
VanGilder, Jacob Y., white, male, born July 1846, age 43, widow, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, dairyman, worked all year, can read, write and speak English, rents a farm.
VanGilder, Mary F., white, female, born Sep 1866, age 33, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, no occupation, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, Bettie L., white, female, born July 1868, age 31, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, employed as a grocery clerk, worked all year, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, Emma L., white, female, born Nov 1870, age 31, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, employed as a teacher, employed all year, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, Lida E., white, female, born Apr 1872, age 27, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, employed as a teacher, employed all year, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, Lena G., white, female, born Oct 1874, age 25, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, employed as a grocery clerk, worked all year, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, William E., Grandson, white, male, born Dec 1882, age 17, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, employed as a farm laborer, worked all year, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, John O. Ray, Grandson, white, male, born Feb 1890, age 10, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, at school for 5 months, can read, write and speak English.
VanGilder, Dwight, Grandson, white, male, born April 1895, age 5, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia.
Hill, Sophie, Sister in Law, white, female, born June 1820, 79 years old, single, born in West Virginia, both parents born in West Virginia, not employed, can read, write and speak English. (Sophie's mother was born in Delaware not West Virginia. Sophie and Mary are sisters.)
According to the newspaper articles on the VanGilder farm fire and John's obituary, John Oliphant VanGilder suffered a stroke in June, 1902 that caused him to be an invalid.
A horrifying evening for John and Mary. On Monday, December 8, 1902, a fire swept through the VanGilder house destroying most of the contents. No one was injured. John, an invalid caused by a stroke several months earlier. Although a fire alarm was sent, there were no water plugs near the house. Of historic interest: the house stood on the pioneer Hill Family property and was originally a log cabin that John updated in the late 1890's with a frame structure.
This having occurred, I am fortunate to have any VanGilder photographs. Probably Hill Family memorabilia was also housed here and was destroyed.
The Pittsburgh Press Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania February 15, 1904 page 7 |
Thank goodness for obituaries. It is only recently I found the second one in the Pittsburgh Press. I was surprised to see it mentioned there. As often happens, the two clippings, the one from the fire and the Morgantown obituary gave me insight into my paternal great great grandfather's life; however, it also caused some questions.
He died in his home on Stewart Street (another house or was more of the destroyed house saved?) at 7:00 am on February 14, 1904 (Valentine's Day) at age seventy-four. To date, I have not found a death record. I learned about his employment over the years, that he was a member of the Presbyterian Church and belonged to the Monongalia Lodge 10 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellow for over forty years.
The obituary paints a picture of a man who was moral, respected, industrious and a good citizen. I will also add here that the 1900 West Virginia census lists that he was not ignorant as he could read and write. It certainly is not the picture painted of his character by John Hoffman in the court record of 1883.
My photograph |
The funeral services were held in the VanGilder home on Tuesday, December 16, 1904 at 10:30 a.m. with Reverend Aaron Moore Buchanan of the Presbyterian Church officiating. The funeral procession, probably by wagon, made its way north to Mount Union Cemetery. The graveside services were under the auspices of Lodge 10, Independent Order of the Odd Fellows. To date I have not found a will for John Oliphant VanGilder; however, Mary Hill VanGilder, his wife did have one. I have a transcription of it on Flipside. It outlines what VanGilder property and homes are left.
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