Thursday, March 31, 2011
Treasure Chest Thursday--Martha Marie Frederick Stark Ring
Another treasure from my maternal grandmother's estate. This ring probably dates back to the 1880's and 1890's. She was born in 1880 and the size of the ring appears to be a child's. Also, it is engraved "Mattie," her nickname when a child.
I can't tell what stone it is; however, my guess is a garnet. It is not her birthstone as she was born in April. There seem to be stones missing from the setting. The area surrounding the red stone might have had smaller chips....perhaps diamond chips or extremely small pearls.
There is no karat marking inside.
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
52 Weeks of Personal Family Genealogy and History--Sweets

No question, I am genetically predisposed to sweets. Frankly, I never met a cake, pie, cookie, ice cream, donut, etc. etc. that I didn't like. Ok, let me amend that....I don't like rubarb pie.
I have posted this photo of my paternal grandmother, Sarah VanGilder Hughes, in the pink dress, back in 2009. It always puts a smile on my face when I look at fact, just thinking about it lightens my spirit. Maybe that sweet tooth came from her 😀VanGilder Sisters posted in 2009© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Tombstone Tuesday--Adelbert Clay

Adelbert Clay is buried in Attica Venice Cemetery, Attica, Seneca County, Ohio. After doing some research on Family Search, death certificates show that there are numerous other Clay family members also buried in Attica Cemetery. Unfortunately, I did not photograph them.
Adelbert Clay, son of Amos Clay and Meanda Easterbrook, was born in Republic, Seneca County, Ohio on September 30, 1869. I was able to locate Adelbert and his wife Mary in the 1930 Ohio census and he is listed as the owner of a gas station in Republic, Ohio. I have been through Republic countless times and there is currently a gas station at the corner of Route 18 and Route 4. There are also old buildings on Route 19 where it crosses Route 18 that could have once been gas stations. Checking earlier census reports, it appears that Adelbert was married first to a woman named Flora and they had a son, Charles D. Clay, born in April, 1899, in Ohio.

-1900 Ohio Census, Washington, Hancock County, Ohio; Roll: T623_1284; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 77.
-1930 Ohio Census, Republic, Seneca County, Ohio; Roll: 1869; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 33;
-Ohio Death Certificate for Adelbert Clay, Seneca County, # 68715
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© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Monday, March 28, 2011
104 Carnival of Genealogy--One BIG Mistake

While I was doing my first blog for the COG, I was reminded of a humorous incident that occurred while I was borrowing my Dad's car.....although it wasn't so funny when it happened. The car was his red hot Chevy Impala convertible and, if my memory serves me, this happened when I was in my senior year of high school....Fall 1964.
My Dad had a penchant for red convertibles. His first was purchased in 1961. It was a engine red, with a white rag top and white leather seats. What's not to like about that!!!! LOL
Dad changed cars annually. One of his patients was a car dealer. He loved convertibles and each year there was a brand spanking new one in the driveway. Red was his color of choice.
When I turned sixteen in 1963, I longed to drive the convertible; however, that car seemed to be off limits to me......until one Fall day in 1964. I have no idea how I got the keys ....and where was Dad that day that he didn't need the car for work.
I was allowed to drive to school....let me tell you that was a REAL privilege. I picked up my best friend and off we down, warm breezes blowing. It was decided that we would go home after school, change clothes and come back to the school parking lot to "hang out".
Back at school later that day, we parked the car, chatted with friends and watched some football practice. This was the era of the small Honda motorbikes and a group of our friends were circling around the parking lot, racing. I decided it might be fun to join in using Dad's convertible. It was a ball....round and round we went, laughing uproariously.
As the afternoon wore on cars pulled into the school lot....parents coming to pick up their kids from marching band, cross country and football practice. No matter....we continued to have a ball.
Perhaps I should have taken the time to look at those newly arrived cars OR perhaps I should have remembered that my younger brother, Ken, was out on that football field practicing and would need a ride home....and I was NOT the one with that responsibility.
Around 5:30, my friend and I noticed it was time to head home for dinner. After dropping her off, I drove up the street and parked Dad's car in the driveway and went inside. I was met with one mad hornet of a Mom. Yes, she had been sitting in her car in the high school parking lot watching me cruise Dad's car around the lot, chasing the motorbikes while she waited for my brother.
Needless to say, I didn't get keys to ANY car for sometime.
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Saturday, March 26, 2011
104th Edition Carnival of Genealogy--Cars as Stars

There have been so many cars throughout the years Growing up Hughes. I was lucky to be a kid during the 50's and 60's when chrome and fins on cars were all the rage. To me the classic cars are those of this time period.

I can remember years back, when my Mom and I were looking at these old photos, she remarked that the car was purchased for them by her mother, Martha Marie Frederick Stark. Oddly, Mom's folks never owned a car. Her Dad got to work in Pittsburgh on the streetcar and her Mom walked uptown for shopping and also used the streetcar to get into the city. Vacations were taken in Uncle Walter's "buggy," my grandmother's name for the new fangled automobiles, or on trains.

I don't remember the car. I don't know how long Dad drove it. It could have moved with us in 1950 to Washington Drive, our first house, but I was too young to notice or care about the make and model of a car.
Many more autos were to follow the Merc.....mostly Chevy's as one of my Dad's patients was a Chevrolet dealer. I began to take notice of cars when Dad came home when I was 16 with HIS new red Chevy convertible. Now were talkin' ;-) Hey Dad......
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Friday, March 25, 2011
Same Person???? Jessie Pool VanGilder

It was a xerox copy of a Pool Family Reunion photograph taken circa 1923. Some of the folks were identified and when he sent it to me I noticed that my paternal great grandmother, Jessie Pool VanGilder was among those named. I looked at her, measured the face up with other photos I had of her and decided that it was NOT Jessie.

This week it dawned on me that perhaps the identified woman was not Jessie, but her sister, Sarah Pool Pinyerd. I knew that Sarah was a regular attendee of the Pool Family Reunions as there were mentions of her travel to Morgantown for these events in her local newspaper.

Now I have a more sophicated photo program than when I first received the Pool Reunion photo. I rescanned the poor quality xerox, changed it into a photo of older quality and enlarged just the woman in question. The face still did not seem to be that of my great grandmother VanGilder......however, her dress caught my attention BIG TIME!

Scrolling back through my VanGilder photos I stopped at one in particular. It is a photograph of my Great grandmother VanGilder sitting beside her daughter, my grandmother, Sarah VanGilder Hughes. I can almost date the photo as Great Grandmother VanGilder's goiter is still showing and she had it removed in 1928.
However, it is the DRESS that I enlarged and studied.....the dress is the SAME on both pictures. I had to chuckle at her choice of this outfit to wear to a family reunion.....usually folks get "duded up" for such However, notice that Jessie is holding a summer hat on her lap ;-)
My great grandmother probably "traveled light". She was a cook on a riverboat during the 1920's and moved around alot up and down the Monongahela River. I highly doubt that she had a large wardrobe. She probably had one good dress for church and events that became a work dress as it wore out. Maybe these two photos show the life of this particular for the reunion and gently used for the second photo.
I guess the lesson learned here is that a photo has to be dissected when trying to identify a person.....the face is not the only identifier....and this blog has turned into the genealogy of a dress!
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Friday Family ProFile--Sarah Ann Pool Pinyerd
Known in the family as "Sallie" and "Aunt Pinny," she seemed to have a direct line to the local newspapers and each and every visitor was duly noted in the "Personal" section of the North Charleroi column. What can I say but THANK YOU Aunt Pinny.
The various news briefs gave me a snapshot into the movements up and down the Monongahela River during the early 1900's of her sister, my paternal great grandmother, Jessie Pool VanGilder. It was the basis of a brief summer trip back in 2006.
Like so many pieces of research, this one was so exciting when found and then it went back on my back burner for several years. Recently, I was jogged back into Pinyerd/Pinyard research by a fellow genealogist from Texas, who contacted me regarding his Pinyerd relation. I thank him too, as wandering around the web collaborating, I was able to locate the death certificate of Aunt Pinny's husband, John A. Pinyerd...a long missing document.
There are no descendants from the marriage of John A. Pinyerd and Sarah Ann Pool Pinyerd. I am blogging about them solely for those in my family who might be interested in knowing a little more about two interesting ancestors and because Aunt Pinny appeared to be a wee bit of a feminist.

Sarah Ann Pool, daughter of Sampson Frum Pool and Sarah Louise Harner was born in Monongalia County, West Virginia on October 9, 1868. The Pool family lived on a farm in the Morgan District outside Morgantown, West Virginia. Other than census reports, there is no document giving a clue as to Sarah's life until her marriage to John A. Pinyerd on December 28, 1887. Of interest to me is the place where the wedding ceremony took place---Sarah's maternal uncle, Joseph Harner's farm. Rev. Samuel Hitchens of the Methodist Episcopal Church performed the ceremony.
John A. Pinyerd, son of Jesse Pinyerd and Melvina S. Rider, was born on October 20, 1859 in Greene County, Pennsylvania. When John married he was listed as a blacksmith on license.
The first census for the Pinyerds in 1900 is in the Clinton District, Monongalia County, West Virginia. John is not listed, which makes me think that he is already working on a steamboat and is on the river when the enumerator came to the door. The Pinyerds own a farm free and clear of mortgage. Living with Sarah is her cousin, Charles Wesley Pool, who is working the farm for her. This census asks the woman if she has had any children and Sarah's response is no.
By 1910, the Pinyerds have moved to North Charleroi, Pennsylvania, which will be Sarah's home until her death. The house is located on Fourth Street near Lock 4 on the Monongahela River. A perfect location for John as he is able to have easy access to the steamboat. On this census Sarah's information lists that she is the mother of one child who is no longer alive. I have been told by a family member that Sarah had a baby; however it died young. Somewhere I picked up the name of Violet L. as the baby's name. John's occupation was consistently listed as a marine that a fancy name for working on a steamboat?????
In 1915, Sarah has a house at Lock 4 up for sale. According to the advertisement, it appears to be modern for the time....finished attic, cement basement floor, wired for electricity and two squares from the electric car line (streetcar). I don't know if the advertised house was sold and the Pinyerd's moved to another home on Fourth Avenue, or if it is the house she is enumerated in on the 1920 and 1930 census and pictured above.
I must make mention here, that Charleroi and North Charleroi are built into a hill rising up from the Monongahela River. When my brother and I drove up one of the streets, I had the feeling that the car would flip over from end to end. Walking up one of those streets would test the cholesterol buildup in anyones heart. It would most assuredly be advantageous to be only two streets up from the river!
Sarah was an active member of the North Charleroi community and with her family. There are countless little mentions in the local papers of various family members and friends coming and going from the Pinyerd home. Parties and club events were hosted by Sarah and her sisters appeared to actually live in the Pinyerd home for periods of time during 1915-1925. In fact, Sarah's mom, Sarah Louise Harner Pool was living with her daughter when she died on August 5, 1911.

I was thrilled to find that my paternal grandmother, Sarah VanGilder Hughes, visited her aunt in North Charleroi a couple of times before she married my grandfather.
Several of Sarah Pinyerd's community memberships listed in the local newspapers included: Victory Knitting Club, The Home and Hospital Club and the Needlecraft Club.

At some point in time, Sarah opened her home up as a maternity hospital. She is listed as a nurse, but I have no idea if she actually was a nurse that completed a degree or perhaps she was a midwife. At any rate, there are listing by 1924 of the Pinyerd Private Hospital operating out of her home. Pregnant women would come and stay in rooms in her home. She would take care of them until the baby was born and for several days following. Dr. A.S. Sickman (great name for a made house calls to the Pinyerd Hospital. He was involved in an automobile accident, which was reported in the local newspaper as he was on the way to Sarah Pinyerds.
Sarah operated her home maternity hospital through 1939, at which time it was called the Pinyerd Maternity Home. According to the local newspapers, countless babies were born under Sarah's care. She was quite the entrepreneur. By my calculations, Sarah was running her home hospital from about age 50 through age 70.
Other community involvement for Sarah Pinyerd: She was appointed to the Advisory Committee for the Hospital Building Fund Campaign AND in 1925 she ran for two elected offices--School Director and City Council. She lost both.
Sarah also donated to a variety of community based organizations...among them the fire department ambulance fund and the flood relief fund. From the various newspaper articles she was generous with, community and friends. She gave of herself, her home and her income. Truly, someone to be admired.
When when I interviewed one of her grandnieces, she replied......"Aunt Pinny kept an immaculate home. She would put newspaper on the floor to catch any droppings when children were at her home and having food at the table. There was also a feeling that she had one child who died when they were infants or very young. Aunt Pinny served her patients off her Limoges china."
After doing research on several of the "Pool Women," those girls raised in the home of Sampson Frum Pool and Sarah Louise Harner Pool....I must say they had true grit. Sarah's sisters lost husbands early in their marriages either to death or divorce and made their way in the early 1900's, when there were no safety nets provided for wives or life insurance, etc.
Sarah remained married, although I don't think that her husband was present much of the time. Or, if he was, she was an independent spirit...she had her own business, entertained and traveled during much of their married life. I noticed that there is very little mention of her husband in the local newspapers.

Before her death she was a patient at the Pugh Nursing Home in Morgantown, West Virginia and she died at age eighty-three at the Charleroi-Monessen Hospital on June 19, 1952. She was cremated and her ashes were interred along with her Pool family at Mt. Union Cemetery, north of Morgantown, West Virginia. I have visited that cemetery and there is no tombstone.

Her husband, John A. Pinyerd, predeceased her on February 2, 1951, at age ninety-one in Bucyrus, Ohio and he was buried with some of his family in Oakwood Cemetery. Several of John's brother's lived in Bucyrus. It is unknown if Sarah and John were separated or perhaps he was visiting in Bucyrus and died. His death certificate lists that he is married; however, Sarah and John are buried in separate cemeteries in separate states.
-1900 West Virginia Federal Census, Clinton District, Monongalia County, ED 79, Sheet 5.
-1910 Pennsylvania Federal Census, North Charleroi Borough, Washington County, ED 221, Sheet 5A.
-1920 Pennsylvania Federal Census, North Charleroi Borough, Washington County, ED 203, Sheet 5B.
-1930 Pennsylvania Federal Census, North Charleroi Borough, Washington County, ED 63-90, Sheet 21B.
-Monongalia County, West Virginia Register of Births, Eastern District, Year 1868, page 115. (For Sarah Ann Pool)
-Ohio Death Certificate, John A. Pinyerd, Crawford County # 07274.
-Obituary of Sarah A. Pinyerd, The Charleroi Mail, Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Monday, June 23, 1952, page 6.
-The Charleroi Mail, Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Numerous articles found on
-The Monessen Independent, Monessen, Pennsylvania. Numerous articles found on
-West Virginia Marriage Records, Monongalia County, Book 2, page 166.
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© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Treasure Chest Thursday--Andrew Jackson Brice Medal

I found nothing on the web regarding Jack Brice and his football accident at Avalon High School back in 1937. Perhaps it has been lost in history. I am not living close enough to Pittsburgh to go through the local Bellevue-Avalon newspapers to have a better understanding of the events leading up to and following Jack's death.
Both of my parents attended Avalon High School and likely were friends with Jack. Especially my Dad, as he was the quarterback for the school's football team and was present when the accident occurred. Jackman Avenue is near the street where Dad lived and isn't that far from the house where Mom grew up. Certainly, if Jack is enumerated at age 8 on the census, he probably attended school with Mom and Dad until his death.
My remembrance of this event was that Jack suffered a head injury during football game and died. As Dad once told me, it was back in the days when there was very little protective gear for a football player to wear...especially head gear.
As a memorial to Jack, the athletic department decided to award the best football player each year with the Jack Brice Medal. The first one, given in 1938, was awarded to my Dad, George VanGilder Hughes.

Rest in Peace Andrew Jackson Brice
Died October 12, 1937
- 1930 Pennsylvania Census, Avalon, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Page 5A, Enumeration District 494.
- Avalon High School Annual, Class of 1939, Avalon, Pennsylvania.
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PLEASE post your e-mail in the comment section if you would like to network about a particular surname or topic. I will capture it for my use only and not include it when I publish your comment.
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Friday, March 18, 2011
Marriage License--George Henry Hughes and Sarah Margaret VanGilder

Thursday, March 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Day--McGoey Marriage License

Compliments and research of Carol Ann McGoey Heidrich
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Stories in Stone--C. Heinze

This past week I was sitting in Cumin, a delightful Nepalese/Indian restaurant in Wicker Park, a Chicago neighborhood, having a sumptuous lunch buffet when I noticed a "Story in Stone" right across the street. Atop the windows in stone, C. Heinze and the date 1878
Usually I don't make a habit of researching a Story in Stone in a large city as I have found that it becomes too difficult to nail down the family. With a surname like Heinze, though, I thought I might have at least a chance even in a city the size of Chicago. And I was right!

The Heinze store is located across from Cumin on North Milwaukee Avenue. I did not take a close-up of the number on the Heinze building; however Cumin is listed as 1414 North Milwaukee Avenue. When I located the family of Charles Heinze, a butcher, in the 1880 Illinois Census, the address listed was 1067 Milwaukee. This is the only C. Heinze in the Chicago area in 1880. Building numbers do change from decade to decade as additional houses and shops are built, so this address could well be what is today listed as 1415 Milwaukee Avenue.
In 1880, the Heinze family was living in an apartment building with several other families. One is a baker and one is a grocer. It makes me wonder if they all had a grocery business together in the Heinze Building or if Charles ran his butcher shop out of that store front alone. Looking at the size of the building, it would be possible for several families to live in the rooms above the shop.
The census also lists that Charles two sons, Herman and Henry are also butchers and young Charles was a butcher apprentice. It was a family business.
Charles Heinze born about 1821 in Prussia
Wilhelmine Grusches Heinze born about 1823 in Prussia
The Family of Charles Heinze and Wilhelmine Grusches:
1. Herman Heinze b. Oct 26, 1853 in either Wisconsin or Illinois. d. Jan 16, 1926, Chicago, IL. Buried at Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, IL. Made his living as a butcher.
2. Henry Heinze b. 1955 in Chicago, IL. d. Mar 16, 1928 at Bremen, IL. Buried in Chicago, IL. Made his living as a butcher.
3. Charles Heinze (Charles M. Heinze) b. Jan 14, 1864, Chicago, IL. d. Aug 17, 1928, Chicago, IL. Buried at Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, IL. Made his living as a butcher.
4. Agnes Heinze b. 1872, Illinois.
5. Lillie Heinze (Lillian C. Heinze) b. Nov 1, 1873, Chicago,IL. d. Jan 28, 1946 Chicago, IL. Never married. Buried at Holy Sepulchre, Worth, IL.
6. Willie Heinze b. 1876 Illinois.
I was able to follow Charles, Jr. and his brother Herman through the early 1900 Chicago censuses. They worked as butchers and Herman, who never married, lived with his younger brother Charles until their deaths. The address listed on the 1910 and 1920 census was 1415 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL. The brothers were operating a butcher shop out of the store front in the Heinze Building. Henry continued to work as a butcher, but not in Chicago.
I was not able to locate death records for Charles and Wilhelmine, nor a marriage record for Agnes.
-1880 Census, Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 196; Page: 438A; Enumeration District: 150.
-1900 Census, Chicago Ward 14, Cook, Illinois; Roll: T623_261; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 418.
-1910 Census, Chicago Ward 16, Cook, Illinois; Roll: T624_259; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0768.
-1920 Censue, Chicago Ward 16, Cook (Chicago), Illinois; Roll: T625_327; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 957.
-Heinze, Charles, Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947. Digital Folder Number: 4206135, Image Number: 2820 , Film Number: 1892224, Volume/Page/Certificate Number: rn 24892.
-Heinze, Henry, Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947. Digital Folder Number: 4008217, Image Number: 1402, Film Number: 1614308, Volume/Page/Certificate Number: cn 9158.
-Heinze, Herman, Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947. Digital Folder Number: 4204779, Image Number: 1575, Film Number: 1877729, Volume/Page/Certificate Number: rn 1495.
-Heinze, Lillian C., Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947. Digital Folder Number: 4005309, Image Number: 755, Film Number: 1985094, Volume/Page/Certificate Number: Item 1 cn 3207.
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Monday, March 7, 2011
Lost and Found--Grandma Fletcher
![]() |
Nancy Stewart Fletcher |
This is another photograph I purchased while on vacation at Cheat Lake, West Virginia in 2010. It took a little detective work to figure out who this woman was. First, I did purchase a photo of May and Maggie (Margaret) Hicks Devine. The back of this photo lists this woman as Grandma Fletcher, Margaret Devine's mother.
According to the West Virginia marriage licenses, May and Margaret's mother was Samatha Hicks nee Fletcher. She was born about 1867 in West Virginia. Much too young to be 71 in 1903. I looked her up on census reports and found that Samatha's mother was Nancy Fletcher, who is probably the woman pictured above. Nancy Fletcher was born in 1832, which would make her 71 in 1903. According to West Virginia census reports, she was alive until 1910.
Now, for her maiden name. I tried the brothers of their mother hoping that they stayed in West Virginia and had a death certificate on line and did. Nancy's maiden name was listed as Stewart.

Grandmother Fletcher
Margaret Devine's mother
age 71
March 6, 1903
I believe that this is Nancy Stewart Fletcher, Margaret Devine's maternal grandmother.
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© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Fearless Females-- #6 Heirlooms

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Fearless Females--#5 How Did They Meet
West Hartlepool, Durham County, England
There are no pictures or stories that have filtered down through the years that I am aware of. Great Great Grandmother Olesen did come to the United States and lived with my Great Grandmother Hughes until her death. I have been told some stories and memories of "Granny Olesen" by my Dad and Aunt....however, none of her husband and marriage.

Looking at the the 1871 England census, Frederick was deceased and Ferdinande had opened up their home as a boarding house. Note that Christian Olesen was a boarder in the Weiss home....maybe the romance began there ;-)
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Friday, March 4, 2011
Fearless Females--#4 Marriage Records

This has been a good one for me to do. After searching around for marriage records and reviewing my previous blogs, I noticed that I have never posted the wedding information of my paternal great great grandparents, Christian Invart Olesen and Ferdinande Weiss. When I opened their file in my wasn't in there! I had never scanned it.
Christian Invart Olesen, son of Ole Tonne Olesen of Denmark, was a master mariner and ship's chandler. At the time of their marriage, Christian was eleven years older than Ferdinande. Ferdinande, daughter of Frederick Heindrich Adolph Weiss and Ferdinande Lehman, had lived in West Hartlepool, England for almost fifteen years before she married. Frederick was gainfully employed as a banker or broker.

The wedding took place on August 30, 1874 in the parish church in the area where they lived in West Hartlepool....Christ Church. The church is still standing; however, it now houses an art museum.
Both of my great grandparents were literate and were able to sign their names. The witnesses were: Adolph Herman W. Weiss, Ferdinande's brother and Mary E. Middlemiss, the woman that Adolph would marry.
© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Fearless Females--#3 What's in a Name?