I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge. I want to thank those that organized the event. It has been a stellar learning tool for me.
I had no idea that there were numerous free genealogical tools online. I had not experimented with Google Maps and TimeToast will have me back again working on time lines for other ancestors. I had tried Wordle in the past without any success--this time it worked.
Who knew you could pre-publish blogs. When I think of how I would write the blog a couple of days ahead, then get up the morning it needed to be posted and have to cut and paste it into a "new post" so it would be dated correctly--no more of that! In fact this blog will be pre-published since I have to work on Friday.
Various challenges motivated me to dig back into my files and get to work on ideas and research that has been sitting around for years. Indexing the Pool marriages from the Monongalia County, WV Marriage Record has been in a hard file for over two years. It is now part of the WV Archives on GenWeb.
I did exceed my goals. I had not originally planned to participate in three challenges. When I saw some of the new Wordles appearing on other competitors blogs, I decided to give it another try and became obsessed by the Expand Your Knowledge challenge. It was not one I had listed as one of my events and ended up completing all the tasks.
On my final day all I can add to my total count is that I do back up all my files onto an external drive which gives me one in the Back Up Your Data category. Assuredly, that is an area where I need to do LOTS of work. Something for the future.
Here is the final count for Flipside in the Winter 2010 GeneaBloggers Games.
Final Medal Totals:
Go Back and Cite Your Sources--Platinum Medal
50 new sources cited
Back Up Your Data--Bronze Medal
1 Task completed
-Task C: Backup all your data using an external drive.....
Organize Your Research--Gold Medal
3 Tasks completed
-Task B: Organize at least 20 digital files into folders....
-Task D: Organize at least 20 digital photos into folders...
-Task E: Scan at least 20 photos or documents.....
Expand Your Knowledge--Platinum Medal
5 Tasks completed
-Task A: Use Google maps to locate an ancestor location
-Task B: Create a timeline related to one of your lines of research
-Task C: Create a memorial page
-Task D: Visit tutorial and learning pages on Ancestry
-Task E: Create a surname visualization using Wordle
Write, Write, Write--Platinum Medal
6 Tasks completed
-Task A: Write a summary of what your blog is about and post it
-Task B: Participate in a genealogy blog carnival--Smile for the Camera 20th Edition, 90th COG and 7th Festival of Postcards.
-Task C: Prepare several drafts in draft mode and pre-publish them.
-Task D: Write a brief biographical sketch on one ancestor.
-Task E: Create a page on your blog listing surnames
-Task F: Participate in a 52 Weeks to Better Genealogy--Did Challenge #7.
Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness--Platinum Medal
5 Tasks completed
-Task A: Comment on a new (to you) blog.
-Task B: Post one or more gravestone photos on Find A Grave--posted 20
-Task D: Assist another researcher with a research request
-Task E: Participate in an indexing project
-Task G: Use the Follow feature and follow one or more blogs.
© 2010, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser