Eighteen year old Nancy married twenty-two year old William Morland Orr, son of Joseph Orr and Jane Kelso Orr, in Columbiana County, Ohio on October 15, 1835. Reverend Clement Vallandigham, the Presbyterian minister from Lisbon, Ohio performed the ceremony. How the newly weds met is unknown; however, Nancy's Uncle Matthew Cannon owned farmland in Elkrun Township, where William's father, Joseph Orr also owned a section of land. There was also Fife family nearby.
William and Nancy settled on a farm in Elkrun Township. The Orr's welcomed their first child, Matthew Thomas Orr, on September 8, 1836. Next, two daughters joined the family; Elizabeth Orr, born 1838 and Mary A. Orr, born 1840. The girls birth years are approximates determined from census records.
Wm M Orr |
His name on the 1840 Elkrun Census is almost illegible--Wm M.Orr, transcribed as Everall Orr. He is enumerated with other land owners around his father's farm. In fact his father is enumerated near the bottom of the page. Six people were enumerated in the Orr household in 1840, two engaged in agriculture. As I will note further down in the blog, I believe that the Orr's were living on Nancy's widowed aunt's farm. Aunt Jane Fife Cannon was enumerated in Lisbon, Centre Township in 1840, not on her property in Elkrun Township. The family of David Carlisle is directly beside the Cannon property and in the 1840 enumeration Matthew Orr is enumerated directly under David Carlisle.1 male under age 5--Matthew Orr
1 male age 10-15--Unknown, perhaps a younger brother of William or Nancy or a hired farmhand
1 male age 20-30--William M. Orr
2 females under age 5--Elizabeth Orr and Mary A. Orr
1 female age 20-30--Nancy Agnes Cannon Orr
Two more daughters were born during the 1840's; Margaret C. Orr, born 1842 and Lucinda Bell Orr, born June 29, 1844. Lucinda is my maternal great grandmother.
William Morland Orr died at age thirty-five on February 11, 1849 in Elkrun Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. He is buried in Carlisle Cemetery located near his father's land in Elkrun Township. There is a map below with a yellow star marking the cemetery. The photo on Find A Grave is mine and I seriously need to drive back to take better photos of all the Orr grave markers.
1850 Ohio Federal Census Elkrun Township, District 25, Columbiana County August 29, 1850 |
Nancy Orr was widowed at age thirty-one and had five children to raise alone. A year later it appears she is living with Jane Fife Cannon, widowed wife of Matthew Cannon, on a farm in District 25 in Elkrun Township. Jane is her aunt times two. Jane was her mother's sister and she married Nancy's paternal uncle, Matthew Cannon.
Jane Cannon, age 54, born in Pennsylvania, value of real estate owned $2,500
Nancy Orr, age 34, born in Ohio (age discrepancy)
Mathias Orr, age 14, born in Ohio, attended school
Elizabeth Orr, age 12, born in Ohio, attended school
Margaret Orr, age 8, born in Ohio, attended school
Lucinda Orr, age 6, born in Ohio, attended school
Elijah McCormick, age 27, farmer, born in Ohio
Mary A. Orr, daughter to Nancy, is enumerated with her Great Aunt Nancy Agnes Fife Springer and Great Uncle John Springer on the Springer Farm in Centre Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. Mary is age 10 and attended school.
1840 Elkrun Township |
'm going to address this here and with more detail in a blog about Matthew Cannon and Jane Fife Cannon. It has taken me countess hours scrolling through land records and wills to put the story of Matthew and Jane Cannon together. In the Horace Mack book, The History of Columbiana County, Matthew is listed as a single man. His tombstone mentions the same refrain. The will of Joseph Fife, 1817 and his own will, 1831, prove he was indeed married. The piece of property outlined in red is his and following his death, it was willed to his wife, Jane Cannon.
Perhaps fourteen year old, Nancy Agnes Cannon, either spent time or moved in to assist her widowed aunt between 1831-1835. This could have been how she met and married William Morland Orr in 1835. The Orr property is outlined in green. It think it has changed my original thought that William and Nancy were living on Orr property in 1840. Instead, I believe they were living on Aunt Jane Fife Cannon's land and William was working her farm.
You may have noticed that there was a farm worker living on Jane Cannons farm in 1850. Elijah McCormick married Nancy Agnes Cannon Orr after August, 1850. I have not found a marriage record for Elijah and Nancy. They had a daughter, Arabella McCormick in 1851.
The marriage was short lived, as Elijah died at age thirty, on September 6, 1853. He is buried in West Beaver Church Cemetery, Lisbon, Centre Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. The cemetery is on McCormick Run Road and numerous McCormick's are buried there. I have not been able to attach Elijah to his birth family. On March 25, 1859, nineteen year old, Mary A. Orr, died. To date, the cause of death is unknown. She was buried near her father in the Carlisle Cemetery, Elkrun Township, Columbiana County, Ohio.
1860 Ohio Federal Census Elkrun Township, Columbiana County June 9, 1860 |
Nancy, again widowed, is raising her family in Elkrun Township. Was she able to continue to live on her aunt's property or perhaps on Joseph Orr's land? Is she living in the village of Elkton and her son Matthew is farming someone else's land while living with his mother?
Nancy McCormac, age 44
Matthew T., age 23, farmer
Elizabeth, age 22
Margaret, age 18
Arabella, age 9
My maternal great grandmother, Lucinda Bell Orr, was enumerated with the family of Robert Glen Bell and Dorothy Betz Bell in Elkrun Township on the 1860 Ohio Federal census. She was age 15 had attended school during the year. She may be helping with housework, but is not listed as having employment in the home. I have been told by Frederick family, that Lucinda's mother, Nancy, was very good friends with the Bell family. Lucinda married Alfred Frederick whose ancestors were Betz. Lucinda must have been also been fond of the Bell family since she honored them by naming her third son, Robert Bell Frederick.
Like many mothers and spouses, Nancy spent the first portion of the 1860's worrying about her son, Matthew while he served in the Civil War. Matthew was a private with Company C, 104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry from August 7, 1862 to June 11, 1865.
The first of Nancy's children to marry was her youngest, Lucinda Bell Orr. Twenty-four year old Lucinda married thirty-two year old, Alfred F. Frederick, on October 22, 1868 in the Probate Court of Columbiana County, Ohio. Lucinda and Alfred are my great grandparents.
The second Orr sibling to marry was Matthew. On December 30, 1869, thirty-three year old Matthew Thomas Orr married twenty-four year old Mary Ellen Smith in Columbiana County, Ohio. Mary Ellen was the daughter of lawyer, James L. Smith and Elisabeth Roff Smith, who lived in Lisbon, Centre Township, Columbiana County, Ohio.
1870 Ohio Federal Census New Lisbon, Centre Township June 1, 1870 |
Nancy and her daughter, Arabella, have relocated to the town of New Lisbon in the township to the west of Elkrun. Her son, Matthew Thomas Orr, was living there with his family. Perhaps the reason she moved there.
Nancy McCormic, age 53, keeping house, $100 in personal property
Arabell McCormac, age 19, at home, $900 in real estate.
Nancy and Arabella are living in a house. Arabella owns real estate. Either the house they are living in or perhaps she was willed property in Centre Township since her father, Elijah McCormick's family owned property in the township near New Lisbon.
Nancy's daughter, Elizabeth Orr is not enumerated with her mother. I have not been able to trace her. Either she has married or has died between 1860-1870.
November 10, 1870 brought a joyous event as Nancy's daughter, Margaret C. Orr, age twenty-eight married James F. Groomes, age thirty-four at New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio. James was the son of James Grooms and Nancy Frederick Grooms.
Nancy's father, Lindsey Cannon, age ninety-two, died on his farm in Elkrun Township the day following Christmas, December 26, 1870. He was buried in Carlisle Cemetery, almost across the road from his property.
On September 14, 1873, Nancy's mother, Elizabeth Fife Cannon, age eighty-four, died on the Cannon farm in Elkrun Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. Elizabeth was buried in Carlisle Cemetery beside her husband.
During the 1870's, Nancy became the grandmother to twelve grandchildren, all living in Columbiana County, Ohio.
Lucinda and Alfred Frederick
- Albert L. Frederick--1869
- William Walter Frederick--1871
- Robert Bell Frederick--1873
- Edna May Frederick--1876
Matthew and Mary Ellen Orr
- Effie Orr--1870
- Annie Orr--1872
- Hattie Orr--1874
- Marie Orr--1876
Martha and John F. Groomes
- Addie Groomes--1871
- Myrtha Groomes--1873
- Harriet Groomes--1875
- Achsah Groomes--1878
On December 13, 1879, Matthew Thomas Orr lost his wife, Mary Ellen Smith Orr age thirty-four. Mary Ellen is enumerated in an Elkrun Township death record. She was attended to by Dr. F. P. Moore and died from dysentery. She is buried in Lisbon Cemetery, Lisbon, Centre Township, Columbiana County, Ohio.
1880 Ohio Federal Census Centre Township, Columbia County June, 1880 |
Nancy McCormick, age 64, widowed, employed as a tailoress
Arabella McCormick, age 27, at home
A new family member was welcomed into the Orr family when Matthew married Libbie Elizabeth Keck on December 18, 1880 in Columbiana County, Ohio. Elizabeth was the daughter of Charles and Dorothy Keck.
Five additional grandchildren were born in the 1880's. Nancy was now a grandmother to seventeen children.
- Martha Marie Frederick--1880 (My maternal grandmother)
- William M. Orr--1881
- Julia Orr--1883
- Frank Groomes--1885
- Della Orr--1885
A time of great sorrow and grief for Nancy came in February 1889. Her youngest child, daughter Arabella McCormick, age thirty-five, died. Arabella and her mother had lived together since her birth in 1851. I have found no death record or burial place for Arabella; however, she did have a probate record. The only family mentioned were, her mother, Nancy McCormick, her half sister, Lucinda Frederick and her half brother, Matthew Orr.
Without a 1890 census report or any documents from that decade, it is unknown where Nancy lived. Did she live alone in Lisbon or move in with one of her three children?
Seven years after losing her daughter, Arabella, Nancy lost another daughter. Margaret C. "Maggie" Groomes, age forty-four, died in1896. She is buried in Mt. Zion Evangelical Church Cemetery, Centre Township, Columbiana County, Ohio.
1900 Pennsylvania Federal Census Esplen Brough, Allegheny County June 7, 1900
This was a fun little find for me. My maternal great great grandmother, Nancy Agnes Cannon Orr McCormick is enumerated with her daughter (my maternal great grandmother), Lucinda Bell Orr Frederick and my maternal grandmother, Martha Marie Frederick is living at home and on the census.