I am running out of time to devote to the Olympic challenges and have left the two that need the most work. Over the past several days, in between family responsibilities, I was able to spend time working on the Organize Your Research event.
I have been scanning photos and documents, making new folders and moving files and photos into them...all on my external hard drive. Frankly, I have done quite a bit of scanning work on most of my lines; however, I was able to find a sizeable hole in several of my Frederick files that needed work.
This will probably complete my work on the GB Winter Games unless I can find some free time Friday morning to work on one or two more tasks.
Today's medal totals:
Go Back and Cite Your Sources--50--Platinum Medal
Organize Your Research--3--Gold Medal
-Task B: Organize at least 20 digital files into folders....
-Task D: Organize at lesat 20 digital photos into folders...
-Task E: Scan at least 20 photos or documents.....
Expand Your Knowledge--5--Platinum Medal
-Task A: Use Google maps to locate an ancestor location
-Task B: Create a timeline related to one of your lines of research
-Task C: Create a memorial page
-Task D: Visit tutorial and learning pages on Ancestry
-Task E: Create a surname visualization using Wordle
Write, Write, Write--6--Platinum Medal
-Task A: Write a summary of what your blog is about and post it
-Task B: Participate in a genealogy blog carnival--Smile for the Camera 20th Edition, 90th COG and 7th Festival of Postcards.
-Task C: Prepare several drafts in draft mode and pre-publish them.
-Task D: Write a brief biographical sketch on one ancestor.
-Task E: Create a page on your blog listing surnames
-Task F: Participate in a 52 Weeks to Better Genealogy--Did Challenge #7.
Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness--5--Platinum Medal
-Task A: Comment on a new (to you) blog.
-Task B: Post one or more gravestone photos on Find A Grave--posted 20
-Task D: Assist another researcher with a research request
-Task E: Participate in an indexing project
-Task G: Use the Follow feature and follow one or more blogs.
© 2010, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
Expand Your Knowledge--5--Platinum Medal
-Task A: Use Google maps to locate an ancestor location
-Task B: Create a timeline related to one of your lines of research
-Task C: Create a memorial page
-Task D: Visit tutorial and learning pages on Ancestry
-Task E: Create a surname visualization using Wordle
Write, Write, Write--6--Platinum Medal
-Task A: Write a summary of what your blog is about and post it
-Task B: Participate in a genealogy blog carnival--Smile for the Camera 20th Edition, 90th COG and 7th Festival of Postcards.
-Task C: Prepare several drafts in draft mode and pre-publish them.
-Task D: Write a brief biographical sketch on one ancestor.
-Task E: Create a page on your blog listing surnames
-Task F: Participate in a 52 Weeks to Better Genealogy--Did Challenge #7.
Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness--5--Platinum Medal
-Task A: Comment on a new (to you) blog.
-Task B: Post one or more gravestone photos on Find A Grave--posted 20
-Task D: Assist another researcher with a research request
-Task E: Participate in an indexing project
-Task G: Use the Follow feature and follow one or more blogs.
© 2010, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
You go, girl!