Sandor (Alexander) Bodo, Jr., son of Sander (Alexander) Bodo (Bedo)and Julia Horvath, was born on December 14, 1896 in Felpec, Gyor, Hungary. His given name in Hungarian was Sandor and surname was either Bodo or Bedo. The Bodo surname may have been given when his father first immigrated on May 19, 1896. It was not unusual for foreign speaking immigrants to have their names corrupted by the intake personnel at the various ports of entry. Alex, Sr. left his young wife pregnant with their first child, Alex, and immigrated. On the flipside, when going through Hungarian records, Bodo is a common surname.
From immigration records and the births of Alex Jr's siblings, we know that Alex, Sr. spent time in both his home in Hungary and in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Alex Sr. immigrated for the final time in 1908 either before or after the birth of Elizabeth.
On December 1, 1911, Alex Jr., a sixteen year old, traveled alone from Antwerp, Belgium to the Port of New York on the SS Finand. The immigration manifest shows that his destination was his father in Rankin, Pennsylvania.
I believe mother, Theresa Bodo and her other children immigrated to join her husband and oldest son in Rankin between 1911-1912. Alex, Sr. purchased a house at 230 Fleet Street to house his family.
Alex's mother died December 20, 1917 and he gave the information on the death certificate and signed it.
9912 Mt Auburn Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio
1930 Ohio Federal Census taken on April 2, 1930
1940 Michigan Federal Census taken on April 17, 1940
14657 Ohio, Detroit, Michigan
Between 1918-1927, Alex, Jr., removed to Cleveland, Ohio. There is another Bedo listed in the directory, Joseph Bedo. I believe this is his cousin who immigrated in 1903 with Alex Bodo, Sr. Also notice that Alex using Bedo as his surname. He is living at 9912 Mt. Auburn Avenue, Cleveland. This is in the Woodland Hills area on the east side of Cleveland. It was an area that was heavily populated by Hungarian immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. Also living in the same area by 1927 is Alex's sister, Elizabeth. Did they travel together or did Elizabeth come on her own?
On February 18, 1928, thirty one year old Alex Bodo married twenty one year old Rose Beregi in Newburgh Heights, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. L.H. Lizzy JP performed the ceremony. Alex was employed as a polisher and took his young bride home to his Mt Auburn Avenue home.
1929 Cleveland City Directory
Alex, a buffer, and Rose Bedo are living at 2620 East 93rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio
Alex Bedo, age 31 was born in Hungary as were his parents. He is renting an apartment at 2623 East 93rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio. He can not read and write. I assumed he wrote his name on the draft and marriage documents. He immigrated in 1911 and is naturalized. Can speak English. Alex is employed as a polisher at a tool and machine company.
Rosa Bedo, age 23 was born in Louisiana. Her parents were both Hungarian. She can read, write and speak English.
Both Alex and Rose lived in the Hungarian section called the Buckeye-Woodland area on the far east side of Cleveland before and after marriage.

Between 1930-1935, Alex and Rosa relocated to the Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan area. In 1940 they were renting a house at 7344 Chalfonte Avenue, Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan.
Alex Bedo, age 43, born in Hungary and naturalized. He completed eighth grade. Alex is employed as a metal polisher at a dye casting company.
Rose Bedo, age 33, born in Lousiana. She completed eighth grade.
Stephen Beregi, age 47, born in Hungary and is naturalized. Stephen is listed as uncle (uncle to Rose). He has completed one year of high school. Stephen lived in the same place in 1935. He is employed as a machine operator in an automobile manufacturer.
Alex's father died in Rankin, Pennsylvania on May 15, 1939. I wonder if he and Rose attended the funeral?
Alex Bedo registered for the World War II draft. He and Rose are living at 14657 Ohio, Detroit, Michigan. He is employed with Continental Motors Corp in Detroit.
Rose Beregi Bedo, wife of Alex Bedo, daughter of Joseph Beregi and Maria Megyesi died in 1944 at the age of 36-37. She was born in 1907 in Louisiana. Rose is buried beside her husband in Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan.
Alex Bedo, died twenty seven years later on May 21, 1971 at the age of 74. His place of death is listed at Redford, Michigan and his place of residence , Detroit, Michigan.
I have found no records for Alex between the years, 1944 until his death in 1971. Did he remarry after Rose's death? I have found no records for any children.
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