Over a decade ago, I found several old Columbiana County, Ohio newspapers on microfilm at the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio. My maternal grandmother and her ancestors lived in Columbiana County for over 100 years, so I was very excited to find this little piece of another county's history locally.
When I did the transcription, I sent it to the Columbiana County Genealogical Society for publication in their newsletter and also submitted it to their online website. Since many of the early genealogical online resources have changed and the newsletter has probably be shelved in a dusty corner.....I decided to add the information to my blog, making it easier for a descendant to locate their ancestors name if it is contained in this issue of the newspaper. I do have a copy of the microfilmed newspaper, if there are interested genealogists who would like to have a copy.
Selected articles from this early Columbiana County newspaper that mention the residents have been copied exactly as found on microfilm at the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Transcriptions and the selection of articles and surname index have been compiled by Linda Hughes Hiser, August, 1997. (c)
Columbiana American and New Lisbon Free PressColumbiana County, OhioVolume 1, Number 32February 9, 1828Page 1 COLUMBIANA AMERICAN AND NEW LISBON FREE PRESS
+Published every Wednesday by, William CAMPBELL.
+MARRIED--On Thursday the 31st Uit. by the Rev. Mr. FITTBALT, Mr. Samuel EELLY to Miss Jane BOYLE, daughter of Henry BOYLE of Wellsville.
We the undersigned, formerly members of the Co-operative Association of New Lisbon, Ohio hereby give notice, that our interest jointly and severally were withdrawn from the said Association on the 12th day of November, 1827, from which time we ceased to be members of the said Association.
William BRATT,
Joseph WHITTY,
January24, 1828
+Petition for Partition.
The State of Ohio
Columbiana County, ss. }
Whereas David COMLY and Sarah his wife are tenants in common with Benjamin PETTIT and Mary Jane PETTIT of the county aforesaid in the N.W. quarter of section 19, township 14, range 3, of the Steubenville Land District, and are entitled by law to a moity thereof.
Notice is therfore given to the said Benjamin and Mary Jane PETTIT, that the said David COMLY and Sarah his wife will apply to the next term of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county aforesaid to have partition made of the said quarter section, and their moity asserted and set off to them in severalty.
David COMLY & Sarah COMLY.
By their Att's RUSSELL & BREWER
Feb. 5th, 1828
+Threshing Machine.
The undersigned Subscribers having examined Archibald DOUGLASS'S patent threshing machine, are of the opinion that it would be of general utility to the farmers if introduced, being durable and will in our opinion be a great saving of labor. We would also recomment to those who wish to start the improved gristmill by horse power to connect it with the threashing machine as the same motion may be applied by the same power to the grist mill, which will we have no doubt be less expense more durable and will give as quick a motion as may be desired. We therefore would recomment the Farmers of this section of the country to call at Jon'n PEIRCE'S near this place, where the threshing machine and horse power is now in operation and examine for themselves.
Levi HANNA, Jacob SHOCK,
New-Lisbon, Feb. 7, 1828.
All persons indebted to the estate of Jacob SHOOK, late of Unity township, Columbiana County, O. dec'd are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned administrators; also, those having claims against said estate are requested to exhibit them well authenticated for settlement, within one year from this date.
Jacob YOUNG,
Feb. 2, 1828
Those indebted to the estate of John STRATTON, late of Fairfield Township, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment to the undersigned administrator; and those having claims against said estate are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement within one year from this date.
Feb. 2, 1818
FROM the Subscriber about two months since, Two Heiffers, one of which is a jet black, three years old, white ankle joints, white in the face, horns inclining down, supposed to be with calf; the other is a red and white, two years old, horns inclining up.
A reasonable reward will be given to any person, who will give information to G. ENDLY or the subscriber so that the above cattle may be found.
Joseph DUER.
Feb. 2, 1828
We the undersigned being called upon by Joseph GRISELL, justice of the peace, to appraise an estray steer, taken up by Thomas ROBINSON, of Hanover township, Columbiana county, do find him to be a Red Steer, marked in the right ear with a slit and under bit, no other marks or brands perceivable; supposed to be two years old last spring, appraised to five dollars by us,
Tho's HUGHES } App'rs
Columbiana County,
I certify the above to be a true copy from my estray book. Given under my hand and seal the 5th day of Jan. 1828.
Justice of the Peace
Columbiana county, ss.
Common Pleas, Oct. Term A.D. 1827
vs. } In Chancery.
Gideon HUGHES & others
Whereas, Henry EHLERS, heretofore, to wit, at the October term of the court of common pleas, in and for said county A.D. 1827, filed his bill of complaint against Gideon HUGHES and others, residents of the state of Ohio, as also against Moses BRALT, William WARD, sen. John NIXON, John DAILY, William BRALT, and Joseph BROOKSHAW, who reside in the city of Pittsburgh, in the state of Pennsylvania, praying among other things that they disclose fully the amount agreed to be paid by them to Holland GREEN (as members of the Equitable Co-operation Association) for the tract of land with improvements thereon made, known as Hughes's Upper Works--at what time the money was to be paid--and how it was secured--and that upon a final securing the notes of evidences of debt be transferred to the complainant subject to the satisfaction of the lien to be ascertained of the said GREEN, or that they shall be held by the said GREEN in trust for the said complainant--as that the equitable interest of the said HUGHES in and to the said Upper Works be sold to satisy the complainant, or that the court will make such other order and decree in the premises as shall be deemed equitable and just.
Now, be it known that unless the said absent defendants be and appear at the next term of the court of common pleas for said county, to be holden on the 26th day of March next or within sixty days thereafter, the said bill of complaint will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered accordingly.
Solicitors for complainant.
+Public Sale.
NOTICE Is hereby given,
That in pursuance to certain orders of the Court of Common Pleas to us directed,
Will be exposed for sale at Public Vendue at the house of the late Thomas T. COBBS, deceased in Knox Township, and County of Columbiana, on the 10th day of the 2d month (February) next, at 1 o'clock, P.M.
100,85 acres of LAND,
situated in the N.E. quarter of S. No. 12 and in the S.E. quarter of S. No. 1, Township aforesaid and Range 5 of the Steubenville Land District--Subject however, to a widow's right of dower.
Pleasant COBBS &
Guardians of Eliza, Lucinda, Agatha and Thomas T. COBBS, heirs of the said Thomas T. COBBS, deceased.
12th mo. 1827
+Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of sale and an order of sale issued out of the Court of Common Pleas for Columbiana county, Ohio and to me directed, will be sold at Public Vendue at the court house in New Libson, on the 25th day of February next.
All the right, title and interest of the heirs of John HARNISH, deceased, in and to the following described premises subject to the widow's right of dower, to wit--The S.E. quarter of section 26, township 16, range 3, with certain water privileges thereto connected, as necessary for the enjoyment of a certain grist mill, situated on said quarter. ALSO--A certain other lot on parcel of land situated in the north east corner of section 35, in township and range aforesaid, containing 2 acres and ,75 land.
ALSO--A certain other tract or parcel of land, situate and being in the south east corner of the north half of section 26, township and range aforesaid containing 125 acres & ,12 of land.
ALSO--All the right, title and interest of Godfrey HOFFMAN and James WRIGHT in and to Lot No. 208 in the town of New Lisbon, together with the improvements thereto belonging.
All of which will be sold by me.
Jacob WATSON, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, New Lisbon
Jan. 26, 1828
Columbiana county, ss.
Common Pleas, Oct. Term, 1827
Gainer PEIRCE.
At the above mentioned termof the Court Ephraim OLIMPHANT (sic) filed his bill of complaint against Gainer PEIRCE at present a resident of Loudon county, Virginia, setting forth that on or about the 13 th day of November 1819, at the county of Columbiana, aforesaid, they the said OLIPHANT and PEIRCE entered into an article of agreement which among other things provided that the said PEIRCE should within one year from the date, make and execute to the said OLIPHANT a good and lawful deed of six acres of land in the N.W. corner of the N.E. quarter of section 27, township 12, and range 2 of the Steubenville Land District--That the said OLIPHANT complied with his part of the agreement, but that the said PEIRCE has not made and executed the deed by him agreed to be made and executed, and praying for a specific performance of the contract.
Now, be it known that unless said PEIRCE shall be and appear at the next term of the court of common pleae for said county, to be holden in New-Lisbon on the 26th day of March next, or within sixty days thereafter allowing any alteration of the time of the sitting of the court, which may be made by the legislature) the said bill of complaint will be taken as confessed and a deed entered accordingly.
RUSSELL & BREWER, Solicitors.
New-Lisbon, Dec. 11th, 1827
+THE STATE OF OHIO }Court of Common Pleas
Columbiana County,
Notice is hereby given,
That Joseph WRIGHT, Guardian of Benjamin F. MORGAN and Eliza MORGAN; Adam FRANKS and Jacob BROWN, Guardians of Margaret EWING & Samuel EWING, have filed with the Clerk of said Court, statements of their accompts with their respective Wards with the vouchers in support thereof, and that they intend to apply for a settlement of their said accompts at the next term of said Court.
Horace POTTER, Cl'k
November 5th, 1827
All those indebted to the estate of William WELLS, jr. late of Yellow Creek Township, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Administor; and all those having legal claims against said estate are requested to present them propertly authenticated for settlement within one year from the 8th of November last.
George WELLS, Ad'r.
Dec. 24, 1827
All those indebted to the estate of Isaiah GARWOOD, Jr. late of Fairfield township, Columbiana county, Ohio, deceased are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned administrators; and all those having claims against said estate are requested to present their accompts, legally proven, for settlement within one year from this date.
Samuel KUMBLE,
Jan. 7, 1828
© 2010, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser