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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

52 Weeks of Personal Family Genealogy and History--Sweets

Week # 13 Sweets. What was your favorite childhood candy or dessert? Have your tastes changed since then? What satisfies your sweet tooth today? Thank you to Amy at We Tree and Geneabloggers for sponsoring this challenge.

     No question, I am genetically predisposed to sweets. Frankly, I never met a cake, pie, cookie, ice cream, donut, etc. etc. that I didn't like. Ok, let me amend that....I don't like rubarb pie.

     I have posted this photo of my paternal grandmother, Sarah VanGilder Hughes, in the pink dress, back in 2009. It always puts a smile on my face when I look at fact, just thinking about it lightens my spirit. Maybe that sweet tooth came from her 😀

VanGilder Sisters posted in 2009

© 2011, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser


  1. Oh Linda,
    Love the picture and can see why you smile when you view it. I think you put a spell on me, I made chocolate pudding, chocolate chip cookies and brownies today, gee, who can I blame?

  2. Perfect - good cake, good coffee, good company! :)

  3. WOW! Those are some big pieces of cake. Looks delicious too. Cake is my favorite desert. Your grandmother looks so happy.

  4. I love the photo and those smiles!!


  5. Love the photo. I spent my entire 25-cent allowance at the candy shop three blocks from my house throughout elementary school!
