Reading another Treasure Chest Thursday about an old diary jogged my memory about this page from the Diary of George W. Lewis. George was my husband's paternal first cousin four times removed. The common ancestors are Joseph Fuller and Mary Story Fuller. George is their paternal grandson and my husband is their paternal fourth great grandson.
The page is of great historical interest to me since it mentions my husband's paternal great great grandparents, Henry Hiser and Calista Elizabeth Calkins Hiser and a members of the Calkins and Eisenhour families....both relations of my husband. Eisenhour was the maiden name of Henry Hiser's mother, thus my husband's great great great grandmother's family. All lived in Pemberville, Wood County, Ohio at the time the diary was written.
Transcription of the page follows:
Freedom, Wood Co., Ohio
February, Saturday, 27 1864
We Took Breakfast at S. Calkins and Dinner and Supper at H. Hisers. We then all Went to Wm Eisenhour and had some Warm Wax and sugar it is Candy and Warm.
Sunday, 28
We took Breakfast at Eishenours and Dinner at Uncle ( ). It rained all Night Last Night ( ) My Self ( ) to henry hisers to Night.
Haris township
Monday, 29
Henry Hiser and Calasta Went With me to ( ) to Day and We Went to Elmore Got Oister and Went Back home and had A Supper Later had warm sugar this morning at Eisenhour.
Elmore, Ohio
March, Tuesday 1, 1864
Hisers folks went home this morning---------
Wednesday, 2
Clark Calkins and his wife and his brother came down and brought ( ) and Frank. We had a ( ) at the ( ) and then escorted a lady by the name of Samantha ( ).
Thursday, 3
Three of us went to Fremont this a.m. Came back and had an oister supper. Us three started for Mich this P M at 7 o’clock. Stopped at Toledo and took tea and stayed until ½ past 12 at Night.
The page was shared with me by Craig Lewis, great great grandson of George W. Lewis, in 2002.
© 2010, copyright Linda Hughes Hiser
What a delightful find! I went to college at BGSU, and Pemberville was very near to Bowling Green. And my dad's mothers family was from
ReplyDeleteOak Harbor,...not too far from Elmore. Small world!