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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Genealogy Happy Dance--My Stark Family

It's been a couple of months since I was doing the happy dance. Well, let me amend that....the genealogy happy dance. I was doing the summer vacation happy dance during June, July and August.

Last week I received an e-mail from someone who wanted me to have a look at their ancestry site. While I was out noodling around I somehow landed on my cousin Kent's pages. Kent is related through my maternal Grandfather Stark's family.

Charles Edward Stark and his mother, Wilhelmine Schwartz Stark

My fingers were flying over the keys when I saw our great grandmother, Wilhelmine Catherine Schwarz Stark's, profile page. Kent had scanned and uploaded 22 NEW old photos of the Stark family that I had never seen before. Some included my grandfather, Charles Edward Stark, her oldest son.

Kent was kind enough to send me full resolution jpg's of some of the photos for me to enlarge and explore further. Now the challenge will be identification. Are these all Stark family members or might some be from Wilhelmine's Alsace-Lorraine roots or perhaps some neighborhood family friends.

My grandfather, Charles Edward Stark is on the right

Talk about excited!!!!


  1. Some days are just so ... worthwhile! These are great photos, so much period detail. I've been privileged lately to receive some photos of my Brinlee and Norman ancestors from cousins. Excited - oh, yeah!

  2. I am dancing for you. I can't even hope to find something this cool.

  3. How exciting! Those are really beautiful photos. I love the clothing from that time period.

  4. I am so excited for you!! What wonderful pictures.I've gotten some great pictures of the Newby family which I have been working on, I recently discovered a branch of the family I didn't know anything about (Thurman/Davis Family) I hope someone will find my blog and know this family and possibly know more about the Newby family. Genealogy is So Exciting!

  5. Reminder:
    My Writer's Challenge link is up. Why not add a story to the rest. Just tell us about something really nice someone has done for you.

  6. Awesome. I would be doing the dance too. Joy is finding more of the big picture.

  7. Hi,
    This is a long shot but I am trying to find out about the Stark family tree.
    I am interested in George Negus Stark - -baptised 21/10/1828 Downham Market
