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Friday, July 3, 2009

My NEW Banner

Flipside never had a banner, but my new "best friend," Deez, over at Cemetery Explorers, has corrected my omission. He designed and sent me the PERFECT banner for Flipside.



  1. I checked it out earlier but didn't want to influence you. I love it. He did a great job and it is so perfect for your site. Huge props there Deez.

  2. You are very lucky. This is a really nice and appropriate banner!

  3. Fabulous!! Love the nuances invoked with the new banner.

  4. love your banner!

    Thomas MacEntee

  5. Yes, really great and quite appropriate too. I created my own, but it is not as fancy as yours! I think that should be copyrighted if it already isn't!

  6. Linda I need to shorten it so it actually fits. Only problem is we both need to be on at the same I'll do a couple more shorter versions and you can choose what fits the best. Not that I'm a perfectionist. I just don't like the overlapping on the

  7. Linda...Here's the resized version. It should fit nicely...

  8. Deez, you are the BEST! And your graphic is a overwhelming success. Again, THANK YOU from Flipside.

  9. Thank you...It's just sort of a hobby and I've been on vacation all week. I'd like to do more if anyone else you know needs something...let me know. I'm not charging anyone...I just need a creative outlet to relieve the stress of the regular 9-5. So I'll take a look at whoever needs something and let everyone know if I can take care of long as my creativity is not taken away by too much

  10. ME! ME!

    Lindalee, this is so AWESOME, I love it!!!Awesome, Awesome! Deez did a wonderful job and yes, it should be copyrighted! I need to know a "Deez", I would love to have someone make a banner for me. I have tried a few times, but I guess it isn't my cup of tea. Nice job for sure!!!!!!!If Deez is interested and "really bored," check out Heritage Happens! Is there any hope for my blog????

  11. Hi Linda,
    I was just doing my regular check to see that all my blog links work when I realized that Flipside is not listed at the Technorati search engine. What this means is that if you input the words "George Henry Hughes" in the search box, you get my article about you and your blog, rather than your original article.
    I strongly suggest you head over there and "Claim your blog".
    Have a good day!
    Evelyn in Montreal
